Gulugufe Experience is like a social enterprise, part of the NGO named also Gulugufe to generate an income to run the programs of the center…so we can become self-sustainable in Malawi….no longer relying on donations from outside….all the profit from the money being spent here is invested straight back into the lives of the people in Malawi for their hopeful future! 

Gulugufe means butterfly in Chichewa. And just like a caterpillar eventually undergoes the wondrous metamorphosis into a beautiful butterfly we also want to see this metamorphosis in the life of every human being.

Hope, a good character and a mindset based on the knowlegde that you feel loved and valued is the foundation that we believe to be laid first and is the key to leaving poverty behind towards a hopeful future.

Seeing the effects of poverty on people in the broadest sense of the word touches our hearts. It moves us and brings us into motion. Poverty is not just material, but especially a mindset and way of thinking. Poverty can decrease our sense of dignity and make us believe we do not matter. Poverty can rob us of our freedom and creativity. It can quench our faith, hope and dreams for a better future. Driven by God’s love and compassion for people we want to fight poverty.

At Gulugufe we provide support and coaching to people in realizing their unique God given calling. By working closely with people we want to help them to develop themselves and to look beyond their own limits, so they can develop their gifts and talents and discover their destiny. At the same time we are a demonstration and inspiration center where people are trained in life skills and a sustainable lifestyle. We give trainings in different areas like sustainable farming and sustainable building like rammed earth, round pole construction and thatching for example! Our restaurant cooks food on our own produced biogas, our wood efficient stoves and solar energy! Our playground we also use for excursions for schools where we combine learning and playing in a creative way!

We thank you very much for your investment in Gulugufe and hope to see you back in the near future!